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One Pass Fungicide Plot – Drayton

This field followed winter wheat and oats cover crop, get regular manure and is conventionally tilled. The plot was planted with a 12 row John Deere planter with air bags and vDrive. 5 gal of G24 liquid starter was added on the seed at planting. The PSNT called for nitrogen when tested at 8 leaf, so at side dress time 24 gal of UAN + ATS was applied to ensure Nitrogen was not the yield limiting factor. 

This fungicide plot is something CFS does regularly, it’s about time that we publish some results! We applied 120′ strips of Veltyma DLX across the field on August 1st. This was compared to a check strip of no fungicide.

The results showed that the pass of Veltyma lasted well through grain fill! Quality, yield and toxin levels were all improved!

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