Conceal Nitrogen Plot – Tralee
This plot took place beside our Dekalb variety plot in Tralee. This field followed a hay field that was burned down in the fall and is conventionally tilled and receives regular manure. The plot was planted with our shop demo planter: a 6 row JD7240, with all the precision planting upgrades. We added 5 gal G24 liquid starter on the seed at planting. The plot received a pass of fungicide, Delaro Complete, at silking. The PSNT did not call for nitrogen when tested at 8 leaf, so no side-dressing was done.
At planting we added 20 gal UAN + ATS through our Precision Planting Conceal knives. This is applied 3″ beside the seed and just below the surface. The premise of this product is that nitrogen will be brought lower through the soil profile with rain, putting the Nitrogen at the ideal placement to be taken up by roots in season. Factoring in a cost of $2.44/gal of UAN, the results are close.